Time changes everything, even you and I have changed

*Yuki Tan*

Hey ladies and gentlemen.
I wear a pair of black-red glasses sometimes, which people complain are so nineteen-fifty but of course the typical me don't give a damn.
I still prefer contact lenses, maybe glasses are not suit for me.
* I'm selling too, come and have a look =)

I'm a lucky girl because I have a perfect Boyf ♥


The rain, the winter spring has made us fade away


I really wonder how you feel on these nights so alone

○ A Y I
○ B.E.N.Z.H.U
○ B. M I A O
♥ D.O.U.Y.A
♥ I I M O
○ K O E Y
♥ Q.U.E.E.N.I.E
○ M.S. V.I
○ S U Z I E
○ V I V I
○ E.R.I.K.A
○ X I I A O Y A
♥ Y.I.K.I
○ 電視機
○ Alvin Yong


“life will be better in spring”
March 2011 April 2011

Tuesday 19 April 2011 || 00:52

[ 食物介绍 ]

那天本来打算和 Boyf 去吃 Sushi Bonanza
怎么知道去到的时候  多人到很恐怖  排队排到好像 万里长城那么长 @.@
结果就去 Sakae Sushi :)

我们好会吃啊  吃了10盘寿司和套餐一 SET
结果 ??
吃不完  打包回家  哈哈 !  自作自受 :PP
可是真的不错吃 说实在我喜欢这个多过 Sushi King
下次要试下 Sushi Zanmai  好多人说好吃 :)

 回家的路上  这张感觉不像我  很小孩子对吧? :P

忘记什么时候  在 Boyf 家  想要睡觉  决定脱下 隐形眼镜
发现我没有带 CASE  只好这样放  用清水  结果现在不能带了  很痛 :((
伤心 !!

[ 买了 & 介绍 东西 ]

 我们的情侣装 ! 我的终于拿到了
因为之前拿去给人家 DIY CUT CUT :)

放着我们的照片 :)
刚买的 KISS ME 眉毛刷
赞赞  值得买  便宜  RM39.90 :)

也是刚买的 CANMAKE 眼影
好用 !! RM59.90

[ 街街篇]

我还差一些物品  所以很不够完美
当天是突然出去大血拼  所以只是临时乱准备 >_<

当天的收获  算少吧?
可是一个纸袋好像是有 2样东西的
COTTON ON 我没有进去  因为我的电话 ;(((( 想到就很伤心  好吗?
过去了  过去了  过去了 ......

最后在家里附近的 MCD 吃一吃  太饿了什么都没拍下
Boyf 在记录记录  用了的钱 :)

[ 经典 经典 ]

无意间给我发现了这个  有点开心
因为我之前就一直说有! 哈哈 XD

看得出什么特别吗? New Network :DD

Sunday 10 April 2011 || 06:17

当天没有任何的妆容  只是一对新买的隐形眼镜和少许的睫毛液 :)
很奇怪的想说  为什么我不喜欢化妆了  不知道是不是懒惰卸妆
我迟一点  迟一点  再迟一点  真的要买化妆品了
样子丑  不化妆怎么可以
Hmm, 6月吧  还有很久  哈哈!

来看一张疯狂合照  我的牙齿好白 HAHAH

朋友帮我们拍的  当天看了 "鬼也笑"
恐怖+好笑  还不错  但不是说很好吧
很奇怪的感觉  我一直躲在他的肩膀  很恐怖  可是他却一直笑  那种感觉真的够力奇怪 LOL


还不赖  不贵刚刚好  可是我觉得没有放辣椒比较好吃的感觉 >_<

也是朋友帮我们拍的 :)

Sweet couple ;D

普普通通  简简单单  甜甜蜜蜜 

10042011 ; OLD POST
|| 05:46


情侣情侣  我爱 :D

我姐姐说这照片怪怪  真的吗? ;((

Papajohn C:

本来要偷拍他的  怎么知道他突然吃到那个 SOS 很酸
就拍到这张了  很可爱  弄我一直笑! 哈哈哈

结果我说我要学他  叫他拍我  最后他说我没有演戏天分  SADDD ;((
还有一张没有放出来  他说感觉我吃到很痛苦  哈哈

和嗒用一样的 Bit Bit ;P


我们的晚餐  糟糕了  发现整天都在吃快餐叻 >_<

某一天 ......... 我忘记什么时候了
我帮他拔胡须!! 哈哈哈
我拔上瘾了  现在一个星期拔一起  之前他都用刮  太粗了  不好看
他好痛苦  >_<   >_<
又不懂哪一个某一天 .... 
敷衍的 FINISH! C:

Thursday 7 April 2011 || 00:50

Lemme show some stuff that I hope to ..

#1 : Couple thingiie
I wanna have many couple thingiie with my Boyf, actually I don't know why also, just feel like i LOVE couple thingiie much. Specially now, the Absolut Crab couple tee that DIY yourself *I think this week i will get this, woohooo! :)
Another is a couple shoes that call *I think is CDG, is it? have a red '' on the shoes, but it is expensive for me.

#2 : Awesome wallet
A wallet that i really like the outlook and must help me to keep my money LOL
Now I prefer is GUCCI :)

#3 : Awesome birthday 
I hope to have a awesome birthday *I know still got long time :(
I want some little present and wishes, just a little enough. I want spend my time with my Boyf.

I want some simple present here, who English is good enough gift me this.
I want a namelist for nice and simple name, I wanna change name  Exp: Xtin

I saw a girl get a suprise, it was so nice, her boy did it for her, look it down here. :)

#4 : Good result and decision
I hope to get some good result in SPM & some good plan about college or work? I just don't want regret for that.

#5 : Cam & Comp
I want a camera, what i prefer now is Lumix GF2 *duhh, still this, actually if my phone didn't lost i think i can have this already, haih D:
And I want a laotop, what i prefer with? Mac book.

Ok, now for the future ..

#6 : Moneyyyyyyy
Who don't want this? Got money what you also can have LOL  I have to work hard with my Boyf in the future, must have many money for cover this and that. And I want relax when i old, Haha. Gambateh !!

#7 : Car
I want a awesome car that I like! If I can, sure will buy the one which I like, for you also same right? Who wanna buy a Proton if they're rich? LOL

#9 : Marry
I want a awesome party for my wedding party, a very nice rings and much much much Haha look so far. ofcourse I also want happy family.

#8 : House
I want a beautiful house for me, my Boyf *Oops, should call husband right? Haha. And my mother, his mother and ofcourse our daughter :)

What a romantic room
Cute baby room! :D

#9 : Healthy 
Must have a healthy body if not how to get this all thingiie when future?
I want healthy mummy, healthy whole family, healthy husband and healthy baby! :))

#10 : Temporary Empty ;PP

Hope this will be sucess when future :D